Cats seem to be picky eaters and sometimes pet parents will try anything to please them. Trying to give them human food could determine their health. Foods like tuna, onions, milk and chocolate are some safe examples for humans, but can be toxic to cats. Let us learn about the dangers from 5 human food that could potentially harm your dear cats.
Onions can be raw, cooked and powdered and they can damage cats' red blood cells, leading to anemia.The onion powder in some baby food also is dangerous.A small dose will not hurt but eating large quantities or small amount regularly can be toxic.
2.Milk and Diary Products
Kittens are able to tolerate dairy products with their undeveloped digestive system. But as for adult cats, their digestive system are not designed to process diary food and they may develop diarrhea and lead food allergy.
Liver is healthy for cats if eaten in moderation.Eating too much liver can cause vitamin A toxicity, a serious condition that can affect cats' bone.Symptoms includes deformed bone, elbow and spine bone growths, which can be deadly.

4.Raw Eggs
There are 2 problems that raw eggs will bring for your cats. The first one is possibility of food poisoning from bacteria as Salmonella and E.coli. The other one is enzyme in raw eggs, avidin, which will interferes absorption of Vitamin B, biotin. This can cause problem for your cats'skin and coat.
We need pay much attention chocolate, which can be easily found at home and children will give cats.The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine, found in all kinds of chocolates, even white chocolate. The most dangerous kind are dark chocolate and unsweetened chocolates.Eating chocolates will cause abnormal heart rhythms, tremor even death.
Cats are weak and we need take more care of our feline friends, especially on the food.