
All cats like mouse shape toys.

A famous people once said,it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. I cannot agree more. But I want to say that it doesn't matter whether the mouse toy is black or white, as long as cats like it.We don't know why cats like eating mouse,just as we cannot tell the reason why sheep like grass. 

It's said that cats like the smell of mouse, especially its fur. However someone holds that its shape arouses cats' desire. According to these, many cat toys#cattoy are designed with these features.

mouse shape toy

The material of sisal lasts the life of toy, to which nothing can compare.

mouse shape toy

The shape of mouse can stir up cats' natural desire and the tail feather feels and smells like mouse', which drives cats crazy.

Corrugated paper are eco-friendly and cheap. Such toys are harmless and easy to carry.

