
Take care of dogs as our friends

Yulin Dog Meat Festival
Last year, there's a hot debate on Dog Meat Festival in Yulin of Guangxi Province. And it became a hot issue on the Internet about whether we can eat dog meat. People hold different opinions. Someone think that dogs are human's friends and we can't kill them for food. However, others insist that it's a traditional festival and don't need make too much fuss.

Yulin Dog Meat Festival originated from long long ago, but became popular in 1990s. There's an old saying that people should eat fish on June Solstice and dog meat on Winter Solstice, which can make life better. So this festival are as important as Spring Festival in Yulin. Every June Solstice of a year, people come to Yulin in great number and join the party.
Poor dogs

In recent years, there are an increasing number people to eat dog meat. That means more and more dogs are killed to satisfy people's stomach. Thus this leads to many objections and many dog-lover went to Yulin on June Solstice to stop restaurants killing dogs. Conflicts broke up between consumers and dog-lovers. Of course, dogs as humans best friends shouldn't suffer this. Protecting them begins with us. I once heard a sentence on  Pinterest that what we need to do is not stopping the pictures of violence but the violence. We can't be a stander-by any longer ,or maybe we will become the next victims.

Love dogs, visit www.sweetpettoy.com

