
Cat mummy, an ancient and mysterious legend

cat toy
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of #cattoycat toys and cat accessories in the market, so you get a sense that how popular cats are as pets. There also exists a debate on when cats turned pets from wild animals. Recently, American scientists revealed that this change happened in ancient Egypt, which can be confirmed by the records of animal mummies.
Mummy, as we all know, originated from ancient Egypt, and deliberate mummification was a feature of several ancient cultures in areas of South America and Asia which have very dry climates. The oldest known deliberate mummy is a child, one of the Chinchorro mummies found in the Camarones Valley, Chile, which dates around 5050 BCE. Over one million animal mummies have been found in Egypt, many of which are cats. As The Sunday Times reported, scientists of California University have found that the DNA of cat mummies in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh are very similar to that of cats today. So we can infer cats become pets in ancient Egypt.
Before 4000 years B.C, cats gained much popularity among Egyptians and were regarded as god,for cats help human kill mouse and protect granaries. Egyptians admired godness Mafdet and Bastet whose took cat as their images and offered cats as sacrifices to them. At that time , millions of cat mummies were sacrificed and buried all around Egypt. Due to the need of ceremonies, lots of catteries were built to keep cats.
Sweet cat toy
It is unbelievable that cats accompany human for such a long time. Did they have toys, like #catteasercat teaser and #catteasercat tree? Was the food they ate the same as that of today? If possible, would they live in modern times? No one can answer these questions. But if possible, our company would like to provide them cat toys they need.

